Sunday Mornings are Awesome!
Kids Check-in
- Families are greeted with a warm smile and a helpful attitude.
- Kids are checked into TCC Kids by their parents at the Check-In Table.
- Kids are welcome to play in the Kid’s Center
Kids gather for Kid’s Church
- We have games, songs, puppet skits, offering, worship, sermon, and altar time.
- The goal is to create a worship service on a child’s level.
Kids break up into Kid Link Groups
- These are small groups where kids interact with a teacher and other kids on their age level.
- This time could be a craft, a game, a science experiment, an object lesson, or an in-depth discussion, all centered on the Big Idea.
Kids gather for Announcements
- Kids gather back together for a game and announcements
At the end of “Big Church” kids will be picked up by their parents. |

Friday Nights are so much fun!
Kids Check-in
- Families are greeted with a warm smile and a helpful attitude.
- Kids are checked into TCC Kids by their parents at the Check-In Table.
Kids gather for Praise
- We lead the kids in a few praise songs
- We review the Big Idea and Memory Verse for the week.
Kids go to an activity
- The kids can choose what they would like to do for the remainder of the evening.
- The choices include playing in the Kid’s Center, Gym, or the scheduled activity for that evening (movie, craft, cooking, or group game).
At the end of “Big Church” kids will be picked up by their parents from Winners/Kid’s Center |