Has the Lord ever spoken to you when you were not expecting it? Anyone ever experience that? For God begins to talk to you and it totally catches you off guard
Well this morning while I was shaving….while I was shaving the Lord begin to talk to me and specifically about today.
He went on to explain to me and after I shaved and got cleaned up, over in my study this morning he begin to go back into it again.
He reminded me that He is a God of seasons. He deals with us in seasons. He mentioned to me Jesus and specifically one of the names…He is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. The Lion of the Tribe of Judah Jesus Christ. Jesus is going to open a Gate and that Gate is filled with Blessings, Big, Small, Gigantic and for many of you that have been waiting….the month of January, February, March, April, May, June, July, that the Lion of the Tribe of Judah is opening a Gate. He’s opening a Gate, He’s opening a Gate and that Gate will be fully opened on Tuesday, 8/8 – August 8th that Gate will be totally open. The new season if you will, officially begins on August 8th.
- It is a season of Blessings
- It is a season of Breakthroughs
- It is a season of Miracles
- It is a season that is going to rock your world with the Manifestation of the Goodness of the Lord
And the Gate is fully open. Full swing wide open on Tuesday. The Gate has slowly been coming open now for the past few days…it’s been swinging…but it finally hits full open….on Tuesday morning.
A wonderful new season starts for all active members of Tacoma Christian Center. Thank God you came to TCC today. For the active members of Tacoma Christian Center…the new season of Blessings starts on Tuesday. For those of you that are here today and you’ve been waiting on whatever it is, Small or Big, Huge, Gigantic, Miraculous, Supernatural, somewhere in between, the Gate is open on 8/8, Tuesday it’s open. And the new season begins, you lock and load with God with your thoughts, with your words. The new season begins August 8th. Now one of the biggest Blessings of all He did not tell me when the season ends. Amen….He did not say when it ends, He did not say when it ends, just the beginning.
And so Church from Tuesday on…you be ready…Think it; Speak it; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah has opened a Gate and coming through that Gate is Blessings for you; is Miracles for you; is Breakthroughs for you and those that have been waiting. That wait is gonna to come to a close; you’ve been waiting for whatever it is. The season, August, September, October, November.
Let me tell you what I’m going to be praying for:
- One of course that all of you here today will receive
- But also that He will keep that Gate open and this season will just roll and roll and roll and roll Amen
And the final thing I want to share as he finished up his conversation with me this morning in my office. Is for all of you to touch and agree with Him. For you to touch and agree with Him. For you to touch and agree with Him. For God loves it when we believe and we agree with Him!
Children of the Most High God it is not time to wither away, but this is the time to rise up in Faith! This is the time to open up in Faith! This is the time to sprint in Faith! And to believe me that the Gate is being open in full Manifestation of the opening of the Gate by the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. It will not tarry, it will take place. Manifold Blessings, some will shout, others will jump, others will dance and some will run because the Blessings that I’m am sending your way is overwhelming They will be physical, they will be natural, they will be tangible, they will be touchable and others will say where did that come from but you my people will know, you will know that you know, that you know that on 8/8 the Gate was open and the Blessings have flowed from the Almighty God so let there be rejoicing and let not your heart be troubled for my season of Blessings is upon thee. Rejoice and Rejoice and Rejoice and Rejoice and Rejoice and Rejoice for satan will not be able to take this away for I have spoken it, I’ve declared it and it will not be delayed! For I the Lord thy God will perform it and it shall over take you, overwhelm you and thy rejoicing will be great and you will come to understand that the eyes of the Lord are upon you and His hand is not short for you will come to understand that His hand has reached form Heaven and touched you here on this earth and the manifestations of joy unspeakable joy will be yours!” Let’s give God a praise, Glory to God, Glory to God, Give Him Praise, Give Him praise! Thank You Lord God! Thank You Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Halelujah! Halellujah! Thank you Lord! Thank you Jesus!
Jesus! Jesus! Je…sus! Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Je..sus! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Thank you Lord! Thank you Lord! Thank you Lord God! Thank You Jesus!
This is My place, says the Lord! This is My house of worship, says the Lord! This place belongs to Me says, the Lord! And I will continue to demonstrate and do the miraculous in this place says the Lord! For many Churches have been called. But this place is chosen! For unique demonstrations, for Prophecy, for Exhortation, for the gifts to flourish; this place is set apart where I can freely do My will and Bless My people in a variety of ways says, the Lord for I am not one dimensional for I am all dimensional and I flourish in this place. So come to receive, come and believe, for I will meet you here in this place. For I will set you free in this place! I will bless you mightily in this place!
For thus says the Lord, During this season while the Gate of 8/8 is open, uphold me with your praise, worship me, enter my house with singing, rejoice in this place of worship, for the manifestations will continue, the manifestations will march on as you dwell in praise, as you live in worship, do not become weary, but instead march on in faith knowing that the Gate is open and you will see and receive and as you hear of others receiving, as you hear of others dwelling in their Blessing, do not allow jealousy or discouragement to come only rejoice knowing that yours is on its way!
Twelve Blessings are possible with the Almighty God!
How can you get involved with this?
- Belief
- Your Faith
- Your agreement in receiving that this Word is for you, because you are under the umbrella of Tacoma Christian Center
What will your testimony be?
New Testimonies: