Praise and worship, vocal music and other artistic ministries of Fine Arts Department are overseen by Sister Cheryl Thompson and includes groups that represent various ages, interests and reflect the diversity of Tacoma Christian Center. The goal of all music ministry groups is to offer up continual spiritual sacrifices of praise acceptable to God through Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Cheryl’s Prophecy given by Pastor Harris May 1995: “We anoint you with the oil of gladness and the oil of joy. We anoint you with the oil of singing the praises to the Most High God. For I fill your praises; I fill them with my presence, yea, I, even the Lord of Hosts, rejoice as you use your voice and your talents and your skills for me. Continue on, says the Lord. For yea, it has been many years but I, says the Lord of Hosts, am a God that knows that more is coming for I have planned it, I’ve ordered it and it will all come to pass. Yes, the season for cutting back is not here; but the season of going forth and doing more is even upon you. ‘How?’ you ask says the Lord, by my strength, by my anointing, by my power. For you see, I within you is even greater than what you’ve seen by me and will continue to do so, says the Lord.”
Confirming Scripture: 1 Peter 2:9 & 10 “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation. His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you into His marvelous light; who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy.”
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Praise & Worship:
Each service begins with Praise & Worship. The purpose of praise worship is to bring God’s people into a unification of spirit, mind, body as saints raising our voices and instruments in praise to our God, Lord and Savior to ready ourselves to receive the Word of God. Praise & Worship Leaders are Dr. Cheryl A Barnett-Thompson, Galvin and Angela Milloy, Christina Johnson, Deborah Ferguson, Reba Wilson and Bonnie Armstrong and are appointed by Pastor Harris.
Livingstones Sanctuary Choir:
Choir is the 40 to 50-voice adult choir for those members 19 years of age and older. They sing various styles of music reflective of the diversity of the congregation; i.e. Contemporary Gospel, Black Gospel, and traditional songs. To join LVS, you must be a member of Tacoma Christian Center; must fill out Ministry of Helps and LVS applications. No auditions required but you must meet with Sister Cheryl prior to joining.
Founding Scripture: 1 Peter 2:4 “Coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious, you also as living stones are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”
First Fruit:
A 16-member select ensemble for members 18 and over. You must complete a membership application and audition to be selected for this group as vacancies occur.
His Hands:
A sign-language ensemble for members who want to add another dimension to their praise unto the Lord. Sister Loretta Diallo choreographs the signing of songs. It is open to all members who desire to learn how to sign and to glorify God with it. You may see Sister Loretta or Sister Cheryl for more information.
Promise: Promise is a singing group open to all members 17 – 29 years of age. You must be a member of Tacoma Christian Center, complete an application and meet with Sister Cheryl prior to joining.
CNJ Music Ministry:
CNJ stands for Cheryl & Jesus, a long-established ministry whose members include Georgina Harris, Deborah Johnson and Sonja Amoah-Forson. Their music transcends the generations and various musical stylings all for the glory of God.