God has given each Christian two vitally important gifts. The first is the gift of faith in Jesus
Christ, his death, burial and resurrection; thus forgiveness of sin. The second is the gift of one or
more special abilities, these abilities are called spiritual gifts.
Like other presents, it is impossible to fully appreciate and make use of our spiritual gifts until
they have been opened. This tool will help to reveal your spiritual gifts by guiding you through
scripture references and a self-assessment inventory. The assessment will help identify which
gifts you have received in greatest measure.
The Apostle Paul addresses the presence of spiritual gifts in three main sections of scripture:
Romans 12, I Corinthians 12, and Ephesians 4. Peter also verifies their existence in I Peter 4:10.
The purpose of spiritual gifts is twofold: (1) to unify Christians in their faith and (2) to produce
growth within the church, both numerical and spiritual. These gifts are to be used out of love
for one another, and in service to one another.
Our hope is that the self-assessment will help you discover and make use of your spiritual gifts. Do not
hesitate to seek suggestions for the various types of ministry you might be most effective in because
of your spiritual gifts. Feel free to contact helpsmin@tacomachristiancenter.org for assistance in
determining how best to serve Tacoma Christian Center with your unique spiritual gifts.
We pray the special abilities God has given you be deployed in areas of ministry where they will be most
effective for the good of the entire church body. To God be the glory!
Links to on line Spiritual Gift Assessments